Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Who votes for TEA

So, I'm sitting in a dietician class at an undisclosed location in Berkeley last week, and one of the students asks if sugarless honey is better for you than regular honey. The dietician says, "But honey is sugar. So, no , That's a marketing gimmick." The class erupts in a dispute about what sugarless honey is. For that matter what honey is. Being Berkeley, quite a few of us were scientists. The scientists quickly agreed, chemically honey is basically sugar with bee spit pollutants for coloring. Five other people in the room argued, that sugarless honey must be better on principle, because honey is not real sugar its bee spit. They go on to argue that refined sugar that is the culprit that causes obesity, diabetes and cancer etc. A good deal of the group keep out of the discussion, but later confess they like the concept of honey being sugarless. It was at that moment I realized who votes for the TEA party.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tea Party are past fence sitters that have awakened to the fact that the Political parties and Politicians haven't represented the best interest of the voters for 60 years. Of course, most voters deserve the people that they elect.

Tea Party is just self-rule's way or re-righting the ship. Sorta like how the earth redistributes heat and moisture by slapping New Orleans with Katrina.

Drop me a line - I've moved twice and lost your email. Curtis

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh you mean like prosing balanced budgets etc?

11:39 AM  

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